Perceived Performance : Virtual Machines

   Measuring End-to-End Performance in a SBC World

Presenter: This video is led by Tim Mangan, founder of TMurgent Technologies.  It was recorded at briforum 2005 in Washington, D.C.

In the video, we see how I meansure performance of remote connection virtual desktops. Back then, this meant Terminal Servers, but the concepts apply eaqually to the VDI world of today.

Recorded in October 2005, this video describes performance problems in a shared computer (A.k.a. "Server Based Computing") environment. In this session tests measuring end-to-end performance felt by a user (the Perceived Performance) are described and results shown. This video is a follow-up to the original Briforum 2004 session on perceived performance that extends the tests to also look at what happens when you place the server in a Virtual Machine.

In addition to the video, there is a White Paper in the White Papers section of my website.

Pre-requisites: None.
Length: ~60 minutes.
System Requirements: Windows Media Format.

Windows Media Format